wonderland__ Jun 07, 2007 03:37
character: duo maxwell, * style: text, subject: yuri, subject: manga, * style: textless, manga: full moon wo sagashite, anime: gundam wing, manga: ayashi no ceres, character: heero yuy, subject: anime, subject: icon, anime: melody of oblivion
wonderland__ May 24, 2007 20:05
subject: base, subject: anime, anime: melody of oblivion
wonderland__ May 24, 2007 16:44
wonderland__ May 02, 2007 17:36
* style: text, subject: manga, comic: mitch hedburg, * style: textless, anime: x-1999, game: final fantasy vii, subject: quote, subject: anime, artbook: jewel you higuri collection, subject: icon, anime: melody of oblivion, artbook: dezhen